CSA Short Courses


The Cryogenic Society of America will offer three Short Courses at CEC/ICMC 2015 on Sunday, June 28, 2015.

Attendees may choose to take the full-day course, one of the two half-day courses, or both half-day courses.

Cryocooler Fundamentals and Space Applications
by Drs. Ray Radebaugh, ret. NIST Boulder, and Ron Ross, ret. Jet Propulsion Laboratory
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (full-day course)

The course, taught by internationally recognized experts, begins with a study of cryocooler fundamentals, such as thermodynamics and heat transfer, followed by a description of how these principles are used in the various types of gas-cycle cryocoolers to achieve temperatures from about 2K to 150K. A major new part of the course this year is an in-depth focus on space applications of cryocoolers, presented by Dr. Ron Ross of Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The afternoon part of the course covers space cryocoolers, their requirements, integration issues, performance measurements and mission results.

Superconducting Radio Frequency Systems
by Dr. Rong-Li Geng, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (half-day course)

This course will cover the history of superconducting radio frequency (SRF) technology, an enabling technology for accelerator-based science, as well as major performance barriers to SRF cavities and their resolution over more than 50 years of SRF R&D. Present and future SRF endeavors will be surveyed. This is a great course for young students and early-career scientists and engineers who have little or no prior background in SRF but are interested in developing future SRF systems.

Practical Thermometry and Instrumentation
by Dr. Scott Courts, Lake Shore Cryotronics
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (half-day course)

Temperature is the most commonly measured physical parameter, but it becomes increasingly difficult to measure properly as you move farther away from room temperature. This course is a thorough, practical look at the technology needed to perform accurate cryogenic temperature measurements, including operational parameters for sensors, instrumentation for cryogenic thermometry and calculation of specific examples.



CSA Contact Information

218 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL 60302-2609
Phone: [001] 708-383-6220 Fax: [001] 708-383-9337
Website: http://www.cryogenicsociety.org