Abstract Submission Deadline: December 12, 2024 (11:59 PM US Pacific Time)
Abstracts that are not submitted to the submission site by the deadline will only be considered at the discretion of the Program Chairs.

Submit your Abstract

General Information

  • Add “cecicmc@centennialconferences.com” to your address book to ensure that future correspondence is received.
  • Only abstracts submitted via the CEC/ICMC 2025 abstract submission site will be considered.
  • After successful abstract submission, a confirmation email will be sent to you. If you do not receive this confirmation email, it may be that your abstract was not saved. In that case, please log into your account to verify that your abstract has been successfully submitted. Click here for an image that illustrates how to check your submitted abstract.
  • Abstracts will be reviewed by the CEC/ICMC 2025 Program Committee who reserves the right to change the type of presentation from that preferred by the author to accommodate limitations on meeting space and other constraints.
  • All abstracts submitted are disclosed to members of the CEC/ICMC 2025 program committee and conference management. Abstracts accepted for presentation are made available publicly with launching the full conference program prior to the Conference.
  • Submitting author email addresses will be added to the CEC/ICMC email list (if not already on the list) to ensure that conference announcements are received.  
  • All authors identified as speaker/presenting author on the submitted abstract must register for the conference and be present in Reno.
  • Notice of acceptance for inclusion in the CEC/ICMC 2025 Program will be sent electronically to all authors on February 26, 2025.
  • The abstract submission and acceptance notification will be sent to the submitting author as well as all co-authors. All future notifications regarding the presentation will be sent to the presenting author/speaker only.
  • We kindly ask all presenters to upload an electronic copy of their talk or poster in PDF format prior to their presentation at the scheduled CEC/ICMC 2025 session.
    • By participating at CEC/ICMC 2025 and submitting your presentation, you implicitly agree to publish the content of your presentation on the public Indico site.
    • Oral presenters are required to submit a copy of their talk to the Speaker Preparation Room at the Peppermill Hotel one day prior to their scheduled talk. If the presentation is not already available in Indico the presentation file loaded to the session room will also be uploaded into Indico unless another preferred presentation file is presented to the staff in the Speaker Preparation Room.
    • If presenters of poster presentations need help with the file upload process, please see the staff in the Speaker Preparation Room also.
  • Acceptance of an abstract for presentation does not guarantee publication in the conference transactions.
  • Presentation is a requirement for a submitted paper to be considered for peer review. This includes presentations in oral or poster format. The presentation should be given at the appointed time in the program, by the designated author or co-author (presenter). Only papers based on material presented in an oral presentation or on a poster will be considered for publication. For posters, the word “presented” means that the presenting author must be present during the entire session and available for discussion. Simply posting an enlarged version of paper is not considered as a presentation. The abstract submitter will become the contact author for the paper submission unless a request for contact author change was made. Paper submission is not required.
  • The ID assigned to a submitted abstract is the primary means of identifying an abstract until the program is formed. Please use the abstract ID in any correspondence concerning abstracts until a program number has been issued.

Abstract Submission Preparation & Information

  • All abstracts (and papers) must address any aspect of cryogenic engineering and cryogenic materials research.  The subject matter should be technically oriented and feature new, original developments in cryogenic engineering and materials. Abstracts must be written in the English language, must contain enough information to permit placement of the presentation into the program, and must make logical arguments based on scientific or engineering methods. The Program Committee reserves the right to reject abstracts that do not conform to these guidelines.
  • Abstract submission checklist:
    • Ensure the abstract contains sufficient information for the program committee to determine its scientific quality.
    • Ensure the abstract addresses any aspect of cryogenic engineering and cryogenic materials research.
    • Ensure your abstract is scientifically meaningful or otherwise descriptive of a substantial development and does it explain why.
  • During submission, authors will be requested to place their abstracts in a technical submission sub-category.
  • Abstract Content – required:
    • Abstract title
      • Capitalize only the first word in a paper title, except for proper nouns and element symbols.
    • Abstract body & acknowledgment
      • Plain text
      • Word count limit: 650
    • List of authors
      • All authors must be added to the abstract submission with a valid email address and an affiliation.
      • If authors are from the same affiliation, please check that affiliations are listed identically. 
      • Contact information is required for the Submitting Author and the Presenting Author/Speaker (which may be, but are not necessarily, the same person).
        • Be sure to designate a speaker before submitting the abstract.
      • Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all submitted information.
  • Abstract submission author account:
    • To submit an abstract and for all further follow-up actions, such as submission of your poster and oral presentation, you must login to the CEC/ICMC 2025 Indico submission site.
    • There are a number of login options, see screen shot below. 

    • If you have submitted an abstract to a previous CEC/ICMC using an Indico submission site, you most likely have an “External email – Guest access account” (previously called CERN Lightweight account). 
    • If you do not have an account, select one of the sign-in options or create a new account via the External email – Guest access button.
    • If you have login difficulties, please contact the CERN Service Desk by email at service-desk@cern.ch and be sure to include the CEC/ICMC 2025 Indico conference ID: 1431974.

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Abstract Changes & Withdrawals

  • Abstract Changes
    • If you need to make changes to your submitted abstract prior to the submission deadline, please login to the submission site and click on the “Abstract Submission” link in the left side navigation; click on the appropriate abstract title further below on the page, then click on the pencil (edit) button in the upper right corner.
    • If you need to make changes to your submitted abstract after the submission deadline, please contact Centennial Conferences by email. Be sure to include your abstract submission ID number.
    • Abstract title and content changes will be accepted until Tuesday, April 1, 2025.
    • Presenting author changes during the Conference: Please advise the staff in the Speaker Preparation Office at the Peppermill Hotel.
  • Abstract Withdrawals
    • Abstracts can be withdrawn via the abstract submission site through December 12, 2024 (abstract submission deadline). Click on the “Abstract Submission” link, select the abstract you wish to withdraw further below on the page and click on the abstract title, then click withdraw.
    • Withdrawals prior to the conference must be made via email and sent to Centennial Conferences.
    • Withdrawals during the Conference: Please advise the staff in the Speaker Preparation Office at the Peppermill Hotel.

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For questions, please contact Centennial Conferences by email at cecicmc@centennialconferences.com.

Abstract Submission Categories


[CEC-01] Large-Scale: Refrigeration and Liquefaction
[CEC-02] Large-Scale: Systems, Facilities, and Testing
[CEC-03] Cryocoolers: Non-Aerospace
[CEC-04] Cryocoolers: Aerospace
[CEC-05] Components: Expanders, Pumps, Compressors, Heat Exchangers, etc.
[CEC-06] Applications: Superconducting Systems
[CEC-07] Applications: Instrumentation, Visualization, and Controls
[CEC-08] Applications: Cryo-fuels Transportation, Testing, and Management
[CEC-09] Applications: Hydrogen and LNG
[CEC-10] Applications: Aerospace
[CEC-11] Applications: Quantum Systems and Materials
[CEC-12] Applications: Medicine and Biology
[CEC-13] Fundamentals: Thermal Properties and Theory/Numerical Studies
[CEC-14] New Devices, Novel Concepts, and Miscellaneous
[CEC-13] Safety Reliability and Standards
[CEC-16] Special Sessions (select only if requested by a committee member to submit)


[ICMC-01] LTS and MgB2: Bulk and Wires
[ICMC-02] BSCCO and Iron-Based Materials: Bulk and Wires
[ICMC-03] REBCO Coated Conductors
[ICMC-04] LTS, HTS, and Cryo-Conducting Cables
[ICMC-05] Thin Films and Multilayers for Microelectronics and RF Applications
[ICMC-06] Flux-pinning and Critical Current
[ICMC-07] Magnetization and AC Losses
[ICMC-08] Insulation & Impregnation Materials, Polymeric Materials
[ICMC-09] Mechanical Properties of Structural Materials for Cryogenic Applications – Processing and Structure Relationships
[ICMC-10] Physical and Transport Properties at Cryogenic Temperatures
[ICMC-11] Materials for Cryogenic Transport, Space, and Propulsion Applications
[ICMC-12] Hydrogen Technology and Compatible Materials
[ICMC-13] Magnet, Power, and Mobility Applications
[ICMC-14] Cryogenic Power Electronics: Materials, Devices and Properties
[ICMC-15] Cryogenic Electronics, Photonics, Sensors and Detectors, Topological Materials
[ICMC-16] Cryogenic Testing Standards, Procedures, and Measurements
[ICMC-17] Special Sessions (select only if requested by a committee member to submit)

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